I Sold $2500 In a Few Days On Poshmark!!!

This is BIG guys. You’re gonna wanna read the WHOLE SHABANG!! Let me give you a glimpse into my world right now. My Poshmark notifications are going off non-stop. People bundling into the wee hours of the morning. Mountains of packages piled high. This all in a span of just a few days!

Just the start of my Poshmark sales

Overall in total just as of right now, I’ve made somewhere over $2000, moved 114 items, 68 orders and had over 100+ offers submitted (and counting!). IN A FEW DAYS!!!!! I KNOW RIGHT?!?? This is my biggest sales record so far, last time it was 47 items in 24 hours.

So how did I do it?

I had a sale! Just like everyone else! But this time, it wasn’t just any kiiiiind of sale. I had a LOWBALL SALE. So you can say I’m LOW BALLLLINNNNN’!!!!!

Ads for my Lowball sale on Poshmark

2 things I want to mention here:

  1. I decided to flip the script: People hate lowballers. I decided that I was going to welcome them into my closet and have them shop.
  2. I came to the realization that everyone is a lowballer. You, me, and the entire world. No one WANTS to be a lowballer, but people do want to get stuff for free or even for less than the posted price. I just made it ok for them to do so.

This all started when my husband and I started out plans for moving and the moving estimate was somewhere in the $9000 range 😱. The biggest bulk of the boxes would be from my inventory, so I needed to downsize and downsize quick!

Created ADs in my closet to alert people of the sale

But I’m not into losing my money! 

Oh don’t worry honey. I did some serious prepping before I posted up any such ad. My husband would kill me if I didn’t think this through. So naturally I started working on my Poshmark Inventory Spreadsheet and looked up the prices of items and my clients items. And made sure that EVERY SINGLE SALE didn’t go in the red. I made a promise that I would NOT go under on any of these items.

That includes my time/gas driving out and buying the item. Storage, shipping materials, and my time and effort LISTING the dang thing! All that included with the actual cost of the item. So with all that calculated into each of my 500 items I was ready to go.

Also something to keep in mind, Poshmark doesn’t allow someone to lowball you to $0. It’s just not possible. A buyer MUST submit an offer 20% or higher than your listed price. Before anyone makes the comment I am going to clarify: if the listing price is $100 the buyer can’t offer you lower than $20. So price accordingly 😉.

Opening The Flood Gates

I started out with like 1-2 ads on my page then grew to about 9-10. It was MADNESS!! I couldn’t make dinner, my husband and I we were going CRAZY, just pulling items and printing labels. We were going mad trying to get 30+ packages out on a Sunday before our flights! Thankfully Meijer takes packages on Sundays, HOORAY!

I also put notes in the ad listings that for certain brands or items of clients would be countered for the sake of satisfying their minimums. So I countered an F-ton. I wasn’t about to go down like that!!


Now this might not be the sale for you, if you’re a business owner and you already do well, then you keep doing you Boo Boo! Don’t mind me, I need to move inventory like NOW so until my moving date, I’ll have my sale up and going!

I know there will be a million questions on this, I will happily answer them down below in the comments box. Also please put your closet name and your link for others to check out your closet!
Stay Healthy,

Poshmark Tip of the Week: Followers Myth

I get asked by newbies all the time on if it’s too late to join Poshmark and “make the big bucks” like all the OG people on the app. Like as if how many followers effect how much money you actually make on the app. But contrary to popular belief, despite the fact that the number tracker on our followers is a quite impressive resume bullet point. This number does not in fact guarantee more sales. BUM BUM BUUUUUUUUM!!!


Yes I know, it’s been long proven that the activity that you put onto the app will infact give you more sales rather than however many followers you have. My husband used to say all the time when we worked together doing real estate auction events, “it’s the property that draws the crowd, not the company”. Meaning that the actual product brings the shoppers to my closet, the photos, the quality, and the price (at times). Not the fact that I have thousands of followers.

So don’t feel bad baby Posher if you’re just starting out! I have a bunch of newbies that start even in this month, selling a butt load of stuff because they have bright white photos, they’re of good quality, and people want to buy them, and they have only a few followers!

If you’re a newbie and you want people to check out your closet, please put the name of your closet down below! FREE ADVERTISING!! Lol

Stay healthy,


Poshmark Tip of the Week: The Crazy 8

First off, I want to start off by apologizing for being so MIA as of late. Those of you who follow me on Snapchat or Instagram know that I’ve been 1) moving & 2) Traveling (on vaycay and for work). So the past two months have been crazy busy for me so I haven’t had a moment to sit down and just write. But during that time I’ve come up with some crazy good material that I hope you’ll enjoy in the coming weeks!

So let’s start off with THE CRAZY 8!!!

It’s not been long since Poshmark opened up their listings to have 8 photos on the app. But have you thought of using all the spaces? I vaguely remember back in 2014 when Poshfest had a panel of Poshmark heads and one of them had brought up the idea of having 8 photos and how that could bring up the value of your listing.

So I recommend, if I were you, get as many photos as you can into the listing. It may get your listing shown more, to more eyes, and have a better chance of selling.

But what if it’s an old listing and you put the item away, do I need to take more pics of it?

No actually, just fill it in with a picture of your sales and repeat it!

Yes it’s a bit more work, but it can only help you sell more! Feel free to like and comment on this post. Have you tried this method? I’d like to hear your honest opinion. Please put your closet name below so we can all check out and peruse each other’s closets!
Stay Healthy,


I don’t know if any of you are following Poshmark on social media but they dropped a HUGE bomb on everyone on Snapchat yesterday, and it’s a pleasent and well received surprise! Can you guess what it is?

What could it be?!

Looks like a camera of some sort, possibly for taking pictures?

Look like I’m on the right track!

A lappy?!? Are my biggest Poshmark dreams coming true????

The beautiful @theamandaweiss giving us the BIG news!

Yup (I hope) you guessed correctly! We will now be able to list your item via desktop. This is a HUGE step for people looking to do some mass listing and it’s going to be mountains easier to get things listed! I’m super stoked, what are your thoughts, are you happy that this is coming? Or are you already used to the mobility of things? Tell me your thoughts, and please share your Poshmark closet so we can shop it!
Stay Healthy,

Nominate Me As A Speaker For Poshfest 2017!!

Good morning everyone! 

As you all know Poshfest 2017 is coming up soon and they’re looking for speakers for this year’s line up. The deadline is around the corner so if you’ve ever read this blog OR if you’re a subscriber check out the link here and nominate cha girllllll!!!

If you’re thinking of a topic that I can talk about:

  1. How I made $2500 on Poshmark in a few days.
  2. How to promote your sales.
  3. Thinking of becoming a Poshmark blogger.
  4. How much you love me.
  5. You think I’m the coolest.

I know, I know the influx of #5 will be overwhelming, but do what you can to tone it down! Don’t want them thinking I’m TOO cool!

Towards the bottom just fill out my Poshmark handle (@ediza) on the form and what you think I should cover, then you’re done! It takes 1 minute and you’ll make me the happiest girl 😊.

Thanks so much for your support, it helps me pump out more tips on my blog!

Here’s the link again: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScf5KcaeLwpAKie80VJTU5KCKH0a4peHHCu-jwuOiw63VSPyg/viewform?fbzx=-7699836233820841000

Stay Healthy,

Poshmark Tip of the Week: Double Dipping

First and foremost: Sorry I’ve been MIA as of late, as many of you know my husband and I are MOVING TO BOSTON!!! Woot! Which is why I was purging my closet of all that I own.

But since we decided to be thrifty and DIY the move (which I highly do not recommend) it’s been taking up a lot of my time. 

Double dipping!! I like to call this tip that because if you are planning on doing any type sale you *should* be trying to get the word out as much as possible. If you are posting a sale or a listing and want to get as many eyes on it as possible, try creating multiple entries of your sale in different sizes. That way people of all sizes see it when they are searching a specific brand!

  1. Create a listing
  2. Select a category that offers different sizes 
  3. For quantity select ‘Multiple’
  4. Start selecting all the different sizes and any number for each.

Now all the people that are those sizes will see your sale listing when they search!
Happy poshing!!
Stay healthy,

Poshmark | Travel | Healthy Weightloss |