Have You Updated the Poshmark App Yet?

Morning Friends!

Looks like the Poshmark app updated as of yesterday, and if you haven’t updated on your device yet, you are missing out!

Here are some snapshots of the new update:

Now you can list with up to 8 pictures! This is FREAKIN amazing!! Now remember if you are listing from here on out, try to use up all 8 photos. It will help with the overall value of your listing

Here’s what the actual listing looks like:

And the interface has bigger and better pictures:

Have you updated yet? Do you like the new interface?

Make sure to put your closet down below so I can check it out!
Stay Healthy,

The Best Apps to Use For Your Poshmark Closet

Sorry I’ve been MIA as of late, but as of recent I’ve been working really really hard on getting my Poshmark closet up-to-date as much as possible. Meaning, I’ve been listing like crazy just to make sure that I’m getting everything in my closet listed so I’m not piling up the inventory and freaking out later on that I have so much to do and then I just decided to not do it in the end. LOL. Ahhhhh so typically me!

But since the new rule that was implemented by my husband: I am not allowed to buy anything new for my closet or any inventory until everything is listed. I’ve been keeping pretty good tabs on everything and honing in on just putting things up in my closet it’s quick and easy as possible.

With that said, I have decided to share with all of you some of the best Apps that I’ve used while listing up all of my items on my posh closet.

1) Pic Play Post


Getting this one is a no-brainer, as of right now Poshmark only allows you to have 4 pictures in your closet per listing. However, not everything in your listing can be fit into just 4 pictures. Typically items that have lots of blemishes, or damage, or details that need to be highlighted will need more pictures. So using this app has been a godsend for me because it enables you to put multiple pictures into one square image that’ll fit just perfectly within the frame. And now thatPoshmark has updated features where you could zoom into photos, it makes it much easier for your buyers to see the details on each of the pictures that you collage together.

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Sample of Collaging using Pic Play Post


2) KnockOutPro

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Best Apps For Poshmark: KnockoutPro


Remember how I always talk about having a white background on your cover shots? Well this trust the app does just that! Using this app you can easily take those annoying backgrounds or busy back drops out of the picture and just leave your item to just a white background. I love this app it makes things so much easier and consistent from my closet, if you’ve noticed in my closet I basically kept everything with a white background if I could.


What I love about this app is not only does it Cut out just the product but it also cuts out anything else that you want to keep in the frame, like necklaces, or even additional props that you used to style your cover shot with. Not only does it cut out the garment, but I also keep some of the shadows that the garment creates just so you could see a bit of depth perception. By keeping this it makes your listings look a little bit more realistic than just a sticker on a white background. The only thing it doesn’t do it actually put it on a white background, which brings me to…

3) A Beautiful Mess

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Best Apps For Poshmark Listings: A Beautiful Mess


Also the title of one of my favorite songs by Jason Mraz! This app works in conjunction with KnockOutPro. Because knock out pro does not give you the white background that you need in order to make a clean cover shot, A beautiful mess is there to take the image that you have from knockout pro and place it on a white backdrop. It works really well, I counted out seven times that you touch your screen in order to get your Cover shot made. So it’s fairly simple to use.

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After using A Beautiful Mess you get a white background and a nice clean cut out.

If you’re curious about how any of these work please watch the video below so that you can use these three apps to help you list your items! If you have any questions, comments, concerns, please write them down below. Also put your closet down so that I can check it out, I love seeing new closets to peruse.


Stay Healthy,



Poshmark Tip Of The Day: Freeze Frame!

Ever have someone ask you to model something on you Poshmark listing but you’re running short on hands to take the photo? They this instead: take a VIDEO of yourself modeling an item. Play it back, and when you are at a good frame, pause the video and take a quick screenshot of the item! No S.O needed, or friends! You can do this completely by yourself, or with your cats. Just make sure they don’t knock your phone over while you’re trying to video yourself! Good luck!

Stay Healthy,



Shhhhhh! Here Are My Sharing Secrets!!

Lucky you! Not many people know these but after trying some things out I’ve managed to find the *BEST* ways to get your items seen and sold on Poshmark. I’d like to share with you all some of my sharing strategies and skills that can get your stuff seen and sold! I mean, I don’t expect you’re here for shits and giggles, you wanna know how to sell more and make billionz! If you don’t know what sharing is, please read this first before and then catch on up here.

Well I can’t get you to billionaire status, but I can get you on your way. So read on!

Well first and foremost, let’s go with my daily routine:

  1. Wake up.
  2. Share my own closet.
  3. Breakfast.
  4. Share feed.
  5. Work.
  6. Share Feed on lunch.
  7. Work.
  8. Share Feed after work.
  9. List an item.
  10. Dinner.
  11. Share before bed.

FYI this may seem like a lot, but it really isn’t, and this is an IDEAL day, not what I practice on a daily. Ultimately you want to share (overall) about 30 mins a day.

Where and what I share is also very very important. As much as I love just sharing my one item I want to sell over and over again, be careful when doing that because the system may mark it as spam and it lowers the value of the listing. So take a peek into what I do to help you increase your sales and your value as a member of the Poshmark community!

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Sharing my Poshmark Closet
  • I share my own closet.

This is one of the mostly asked questions that I get. How do you share your own closet? Easily, I share each item I have in my closet to ‘my followers’. It’s a lot, but you gotta do it! Sharing your own closet is another sense of marketing for yourself. It’s best to do so in the morning but you shouldn’t do it more than just a few times a day.

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Sharing My Feed
  • I share my feed

Sharing your feed exposes you to new and sometimes fresh items from your followers and from people you follow. Plus you have a chance to look at items that you probably wouldn’t see in your network of friends.

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Sharing Past Poshmark Parties
  • I share past parties
  • I am not part of a share group or share parties.

This is one of the best things that I do. I share from some of the old parties. Why? Because here is a huge network of people that aren’t necessarily in my network… that ultimately I want part of my network. Think about it, everyone shares to parties, or shares some of their followers, followers, followers stuff to parties. I WANT to connect with them. I want them to look into my closet and check things out if they’ve never seen my stuff. Branch out, and sharing from parties is one of the best ways to reach people you haven’t met before!

The reason I am not part of share groups is that having a share group doesn’t give you as much reach as you need to get your closet out there. Imagine if you were in a rock band, and you wanted to make it big, and you sang to an audience of the same 50 people…everyday. You’re not gonna get very far. So diversify your efforts and try breaking out of the bubble of share groups. On the other hand, share groups are a fun way to get to know other people, but to me there’s just a lot of pressure to keep up with the demands sometimes and I prefer a more casual experience.

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Sharing Brands on Poshmark
  • Share likeminded brands

Ok so this one is a 2 part. If I can remember to do this, I share my items that are of a certain brand so that they appear at the top of my closet. Then I go into that brand and start sharing some of the items at the top. When items appear at the top, it means that the user is active and on the app, hence why they are sharing their own item. In turn if you share their items, they share your items. Typically if they like that brand, they are more inclined to purchase items of that brand, so when they are looking at the items to share there’s more of a *possibility* of them purchasing.

So there you have it MY sharing techniques. Try these out if you wanna, it beats just sharing your feed or just the same people in your follow groups.

Happy to help, please make sure that you put your closet below in the comments so that I can check out your closet! Like and Share if you can!

Stay Healthy,

