Hey everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and getting ready for NYE, I know I am! I put a listing on my Poshmark closet that I hope people have seen but for some reason I totally forgot that I should put it on here, but just incase you haven’t seen it it’s the featured image. Right now, in celebration of launching my YouTube Channel HealthyGirlTV I am giving away a pair of Kate Spade New York Clear and Gold Gumdrop earrings to one lucky subscriber on my channel! So please subscribe, I have 2 more videos coming out and plenty more scheduled so you can get your daily dose of PoshTips every other week (…er so. lol) Also if you subscribe and share this post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram your name can be added and extra time for each share (make sure to tag us in the post, the handles are down at the bottom for reference). I actually learned how to track all of this so I feel extra prepared lol. Recipient will be announced Valentine’s Day 2015!! Well good luck everyone I hope to let these beauties go home to a very lucky girl!

Twitter: @healthygirlUS

Facebook: Healthy Girl Fashion

Instagram: @healthygirlfashion

YouTube Channel:

Stay Healthy,
